Emergency Dentist Etobicoke

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When Emergencies Happen, We Can Help!

Dental emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and you may need immediate treatment. Whether it’s a toothache or a mouth injury, we can help. Contact Marks Dentistry for an emergency dental care appointment.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

If it’s a life-threatening injury or condition, visit an emergency care center immediately. For all other dental emergencies, we can help.

Some dental injuries are obvious, like a sudden broken tooth, a cut on your tongue, or an injury to the inside of your mouth. You know when you receive an injury or experience sudden pain, it’s time to call your dentist.

Other symptoms or experiences may seem irritating or uncomfortable, but is it an emergency?  If you aren’t sure if you’re experiencing a dental emergency, please get in touch with our team! We can help determine if you’re experiencing an emergency and recommend next steps.Dental emergency care often treats injuries or pain, but it can also help save a tooth’s function. Contact us for emergency dental care if you experience sudden or increased pain or discomfort.

Common Dental Emergencies

Some of the most common dental emergencies are toothaches, lost fillings, chipped or broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, bleeding (tongue, lip, or gums), or an object stuck between teeth.


Toothaches are generally caused when the tooth root is irritated, commonly because of tooth decay, infection, injury, or tooth loss. However, it can sometimes result from pain occurring in other parts of your body, such as sinusitis, since your sinuses are close to the roots of your upper teeth.

Never use heat to treat a toothache, as it can increase discomfort. Instead, use ice, like an ice pack on your jaw. You may also try over-the-counter pain medicine, but do not apply anything directly to your tooth or gum. Some medications can burn the gum tissue.

Book an emergency appointment so your dentist can assess the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Fillings protect your teeth, gums, and roots. Losing a filling can lead to complications, including tooth sensitivity and tooth decay. A filling can come loose because of trauma or a poor fit. It’s important to notify your dentist if the filling was recently completed.

Schedule an emergency appointment as soon as possible to reduce your risk of experiencing symptoms.

Treatment for a chipped or broken tooth will depend on the severity of the damage. It’s crucial to book an emergency appointment immediately so your dentist can assess the problem. Minor chips or breaks may require a filling or a crown.

More severe tooth chips can injure the tooth’s inner layers, affecting the integrity and function of those layers. In some cases, a root canal may be necessary to remove bacteria or damaged tissue.

Although losing a baby tooth isn’t an emergency, it is when you knock out permanent adult teeth. If you act quickly, your dentist may be able to save the tooth. Most teeth can be put back within 10 minutes, but chances decrease over time.

Replacing the tooth into the original hole can give the roots a chance to reattach. However, if you’re concerned about swallowing the tooth or it doesn’t fit easily, don’t keep it in your mouth. Instead, placing the tooth in a container with milk or saliva can help keep it safe until a dentist can assess it.

After biting your lip or tongue, you can use a clean cloth to press firmly on the cut to stop the bleeding. If bleeding doesn’t stop, go to a hospital emergency room immediately.

If a bite or injury didn’t cause the bleeding, a dentist can diagnose the cause. Dentists are knowledgeable about many conditions that can cause mouth or tongue bleeding, including mouth sores, ulcers, or oral infections.

If dental floss doesn’t remove an object that’s stuck between your teeth, or you’re experiencing increasing discomfort or pain, visit your dentist.

Never poke your teeth with a pin or sharp object attempting to remove objects from your teeth or gums. Doing so can scratch your teeth or cut your gums.

Contact Us ASAP for Emergency Care

Contact us at Marks Dentistry immediately if you experience a dental emergency. We can schedule you as soon as possible to ensure the best outcomes.

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Family Dentist in Etobicoke

We’re happy to welcome new and existing families to our practice. Our team is experienced in helping people of all ages with their dentistry needs in Etobicoke. From routine visits to emergency care and cosmetic dentistry, we make sure your entire family is feeling their best.

Explore all that we have to offer.

Find Us in Etobicoke

Marks Dentistry is located off the Gardiner Expressway, by the 427. Our office is right on Brown’s Line with plenty of free parking out front and in the back.

Our Address

  • 604 Brown’s Line
  • Etobicoke, ON M8W 3V5

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